How to grow strawberries in a summer cottage

To grow strawberries, any soil on your summer cottage is suitable for you. Of course, there is a connection between the type of soil and productivity. I think it is not necessary to remind you that the best and impeccable result will be on black soil, on dark gray soils of the forest. If you grow strawberries on light gray or sod-podzolic soils-expect a smaller crop. The depth of the soil remains a very important factor, it should be at least half a meter.

Southwestern slopes are suitable for planting strawberries itself, approximately a steep degree of 2-3. In these places, the process of the growing season begins much earlier, and, accordingly, you will get the result of your work much faster. For planting strawberries, it is not recommended to use low and closed areas in the country. If the soil freezes 8 degrees below zero at a depth of 20 centimeters – your crop is likely to die. The acidity of the soil also plays a large role, it should be approximately 5.5, at the same time, the humus content should be at least 2%.

Prepare the site for landing strawberries.

The eternal enemy of potatoes is a Colorado beetle that does not ignore and strawberries. That is why before planting strawberries, you need to check the soil for the presence of the larvae of the May beetle. By the way, the closer the forest belt, the more likely to find these larvae in the ground. The most critical content of these larvae per unit area is 0.5 / m.sq. If you have such a situation, then an ammonia water must be added to the soil. This chemistry should be diluted in the proportions indicated on the label. Larvae will die, eating his beans. If your site has not been well -groomed for several years, and there are a lot of perennial weeds – then you need to process the soil with the composition of the round. You need to process in the fall. Somewhere in the beginning of October you need to plow the soil. The depth should be at least 30 centimeters. Upon the onset of spring, the soil will still need to be proceeded. You need to do this to a depth of about 15 centimeters. For strawberries, you can also make fertilizers, but here you need to pay attention to the composition of the soil, or rather its chemical analysis.

How to land strawberry seedlings properly.

This is a very good question, and many gardeners do not quite know the answer correctly to it. Of course, in different places there are their own secrets of landing. Now we will consider the standard option.

Before the landing itself, you need to withstand the seedlings in a cool place for about five days. It is best to plant seedlings in wet soil, but not too wet. During landing, you need to ensure that a box with strawberry seedlings is always in a dark and cool place. If you do everything right, – the root hat is usually at the ground level, and is located vertically. If the roots are too long, they must be shortened. No need to shorten more than 10 centimeters. Then they are planted and watered. So that the crust does not form on the surface of the soil – immediately after watering, mix with humus or sprinkle with dry land.

What care for strawberries should be the first time.

Since strawberries are very demanding on water, it must be regularly watered, without long breaks between these actions. If you do not water it for more than one week, the crop will decrease very much, or at all will be absent. An ideal option, of course, would be the establishment of automatic watering or a drip irrigation system. By the way, you do not need to overdo it with watering, follow the measure. If the strawberry receives too much moisture, it will become very vulnerable to diseases and the winter may simply not transfer. You also need to regularly destroy weeds. Site and aisles should not overgrow with these plants. Today, biological protection is very popular, namely, entomophages.

The strawberry crop is collected in different periods, and the time of collecting depends on the type of strawberry. There are early, medium and late varieties, so the collection can stretch out before the beginning of autumn.