Some say that for carrots any soil is suitable, but this is far from the case.
Every year, digging the soil, usually no one thinks and dig to the depths of the shovel bayonet and that is what it turns out later.
Over time, especially on loamy soils under the cultivated layer, a hard crust of the soil is formed and a beautiful carrot is quite difficult to grow on such a bed. How to get rid of this crust? Sometimes it is necessary to do deep digging without removal of deep soil to the surface, after deep digging the soil also becomes more moisture and does not respond to weather conditions so sharply. When deeply dug into the soil, phosphates are added. It turns out that the soil of the arable layer must be periodically deepened by twenty -seven, thirty centimeters.
How to grow carrots
Carrot loves loose well -ventilated soil, and excess moisture will lead to rotting of the root crop. Clay soils are not for carrots, but loose peaty are suitable. The main thing is that groundwater lies deeply. Slightly moistened soil is ideal for this root crop, but sour soils should be avoided, so the vegetable cannot be planted where fresh manure was introduced.
Carrots that grew up in such a ground is not only bitter, but also ugly, horn. The carrots are cold -resistant, so it is sown in November – December or April -May. You can plant in frozen soil, but the seeds should be dry. The beds must be placed so that the shadow does not fall on them, since this root crop loves the sun. The soil is prepared in advance in clay heavy soil peat, you can sand the floor of the bucket per square meter.
Two peat buckets or half a bucket of compost are added to poor sandy soils, can be replaced with humus or mineral fertilizers. If the soil is moistened, then the carrots are sown into narrow beds with a distance between the grooves no more than 10 cm.
How to grow carrots
Before sowing, the beds are watered with hot water and sprinkled with ash, you can. The seeds are planted at a distance of one, half a centimeter, more often it does not make sense then you will have to draw out. The thinning is not only time -consuming, but also harms neighboring plants, since we damage the roots of neighboring plants, but you should not plant less often. The norm is half a gram per square meter and to a depth of one and a half, two centimeters in sandy soils in peat to a depth of three centimeters. Having finished sowing slightly tighten the beds, carefully spray with water and sprinkle with dry peat.
Weeding and thinning
Carrots shoots appear at ambient temperatures plus eight after 25-30 days, that is, you will have to wait almost a month. Meanwhile, weeds begin to skip to distinguish seedlings along with carrots to sow fast, so to speak, lighthouse crops spinach or salad, as soon as they show you can draw and loosen the soil.
How to grow carrots
It is necessary to thin out as soon as the first two real leafs of carrots and make a distance of three, four centimeters and it is best to wrap it to break into two stages the next one in about a month and then the distance is made 5-6 cm.
Watering and top dressing
It is necessary to water carrots regularly, but moderately. In warm sunny weather, three-four-in-one square meters are watered once a week, and then once a week 10-20 liters per square meter. Feed with mineral fertilizers, for example, nitrofosk, two or three times in all summer. It is better not to rush with cleaning, in September the carrots are still growing, so you need to wait for a clear and dry day at the end of September with an air temperature +4-6 degrees. In dug vegetables, the tops are cut at a distance of one centimeter from the base and then the root crops should be well dried.
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