How to survive in a women’s team, the advantages of working in it

You settled for a new place of work, and there the team consists of some women, they all have a different age, each has its own character, its own principles. It’s good if the team is not only with young ladies in the next department, or on the floor above, then you are saved.

Many have heard about the horrors of work in the women’s team. At first, everyone smiles. But everything can be hidden behind a female smile. How to feel comfortable if there are only women around?

Advice – more often communicate with men. If they are not in the office, look for contacts “on the side”. The fact is that female energy has an impulsive, chaotic, unpredictable character. Feminine – competitive, rival, intuitive. Often we ourselves do not understand ourselves.

How to survive in a women’s team, the advantages of working in it

The reason for a strange hostility to a colleague can sometimes be very prosaic, for example, both came to work in the same scarves. There are always more gossip and showdowns in the women’s team. The origins can be searched in biology.

The task of the fair sex is to bloom, attract, give birth, continue the clan, hence the deep origins of competition. Among men, clarity, rationality, performance reign, agreements are easier and faster to reach. This is why it is worth it to be charged with proper energy in male society.

How to survive in a women’s team, the advantages of working in it

Communication with a strong floor aligns us, we see the best sides in ourselves, which means that we come to the office in a great mood. “.

Women are funny, attentive, sincere, do not hiss and do not bite. Gossipes in moderation, joke a lot and work with pleasure. Of course, there are advantages of working in a women’s team.

Spey in the morning and late for work, you can safely save time in the morning makeup and come to the office without a proper marath. Agree, not every woman dares to look up and powder her nose if a colleague with a mustache clocks her gaze from behind the table opposite her opposite her.

How to survive in a women’s team, the advantages of working in it

You have a great opportunity to completely immerse yourself in work, and not look stealing at Sasha p., which is pretty to you, or blush under the fiery glances of the Vasya g in love.

In the women’s team, you can complain about the nasty nature of the boyfriend or mother -in -law (and you will be understood!), discuss the recipe for a new culinary delight, get valuable advice on almost any topic.

You can speak by phone with your husband and child, give them wise, in your opinion, instructions and be sure: male colleagues do not look at you like crazy.

If you expect a child and combine this with work, every woman-employee will consider it her duty to support you, share your experience. And do not even doubt: you will be surrounded by worthy attention in the women’s team, and not among men.

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