How to achieve a flat abdomen with exercises

An excellent raised figure is almost the standard of beauty of our days. Many guys and girls visit sports centers and fitness halls for days in a row. But you can try to make your figure with your own hands and do not regret it but save on finances. The whole procedure for pulling up the abdominal cavity entails compliance with the exact instructions.

On the first day, the exercise for the lower part of the press muscles. And also lie on your back, then put your hands on the body, raise your legs at an angle of 90 degrees to the body, detain this position for a while and lower it to the floor.

How to achieve a flat abdomen with exercises

Repetition from fifteen to twenty -five times, while the cervical muscle department should be at rest, not stress. Further, the palms hold the head department, the legs are bent precisely in the knee section, being in a parallel position relative to the surface. The abdominal muscles in a tense position and at this time should be lifted by the pelvic part from the surface and return directly to its original position. At the same time, be sure to repeat from sixteen to twenty -seven times. The cervical department is still relaxed. It is recommended to make two approaches for twenty exercises with a break for the right rest.

Other muscle groups are taken on the second day of exercises. In a horizontal position, knees bend on the floor, while the foot stands on the surface, the occipital section holds with his hands. Pulling the shoulder blades from the surface and the slope into the right side with the maximum pulling of the right side of the chest to the femoral right side. The same procedure should be done on the left side of the body. Repeat exercises for each side should be fifteen twenty times with a relaxed cervical region.

How to achieve a flat abdomen with exercises

Further, in a horizontal position, with the feet standing on the floor, the legs are placed on the feet below the knees, and the hands lie on the body. At the time of the tension of the abdominal muscles, you need to stretch one by one shoulders to the knees of the sides and return to the previous position. Repeat each side of fifteen twenty times. The cervical department is in a calm position. On the third day of exercises, the foot and abdominal muscle groups are used. The legs rise at an angle of ninety degrees, the hands hold the occipital section and the body must be lifted so that the legs are vertically, and the shoulder blades can come off the surface. Repeat fifteen twenty times.