Almost every woman is familiar with such a problem as thrush. This disease proceeds with the Rad of various symptoms, for example, such as: abundant discharge of cottage cheese or milk in nature with an unpleasant odor, redness, itching. In the female body there are such fungi as candidates, they are the cause of thrush occurrence.
How to cure thrush at home
Candida begins their active life and reproduction in any case, if any violation of the microflora occurs. At the same time, a woman feels many different troubles and inconvenience. With such a disease, you must definitely undergo a medical examination and consult a gynecologist. In most cases, doctors prescribe antibiotics to treat thrush, but, as you know, not in all cases these drugs can be taken. For example, antibiotics are contraindicated for pregnant women, They extremely adversely affect the development of the baby.
How to cure thrush at home
In fact, there are several ways to treat thrush at home. The only thing is to remember that these recipes can only be used if the woman has undergone a complete medical examination, the fact of the presence of thrush is confirmed and no other diseases have been detected. There are quite objective reasons for this, for example, those symptoms that accompany thrush are present in a number of diseases that are transmitted sexually. The most effective method of treating thrush at home is douching with various means and herbal infusions.
How to cure thrush at home
Douching from the collection consisting of the following herbs helps very well: a pharmacy chamomile, oak bark, dioecious nettle and knotweed herbs. All these herbs must be taken in a proportion of 1: 1: 3: 5. Then you need to mix all these ingredients, and pour two tablespoons of the resulting fee with one liter of boiling water. Then it is necessary to boil the resulting decoction for another seven or eight minutes, then strain. The resulting broth must be put in a cool place to let it cool to a comfortable temperature. After that, you can start douching.
How to cure thrush at home
Be sure to remember that douching with a disease such as thrush must be carried out no whiter 5 days. The thing is that with frequent and long douching, the microflora of the mucosa can be disturbed and dysbiosis develops. This is due to leaching not only of the fungal part, but also of bacteria useful for the female body. Do not bring to such a state, dysbiosis later will also have to be treated.
How to cure thrush at home
Some gynecologists advise with thrush to douch not only with herbal gatherings, but an easier way. This will require a glass of warm boiled water with a teaspoon of soda dissolved in it. As you know, soda is a click. It is destructive for fungi, and Candida is fungi that cause this disease. Douching from a decoction of calendula flowers is very well suited. Thrush is just a consequence and so that it does not arise and does not cause unpleasant sensations and problems must be performed a number of actions. First try to avoid stressful situations. Follow the correct and regular hygiene. Be sure to balance your nutrition, namely, it is necessary to regularly eat fruits, vegetables, cereals, meat, fish for food. Do not forget the obligatory trips to the doctor. Nowadays there is an increase in the incidence in people. Therefore, follow your health, do not start any signals of your body. Good luck to you!
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