Plants are necessary in your apartments. They create beauty, comfort, improve the microclimate throughout the round year. To create a homemade flower garden that raises the mood and decorates the interior of the apartment, you will have to work hard.
First of all, you should understand all groups of plants, in their features of the decorative plan.
You need to think in advance what plants you want to decorate your house (apartment). What are the conditions of plant content, and whether you can provide the flowers with the necessary microclimate.
A novice flower breed plot is recommended to start with plants that do not require good care, which are unpretentious. They will grow well even in uncomfortable conditions, and will be inexperienced.
Home flowers, first of all, need enough light, air and heat.
Indoor plants, for the most part, are photophilous, especially for plants such as hibiscus, pelargonium and oleander. They must be placed on windows overlooking south or southwest. This will allow them to receive sunlight throughout the daylight day.
On the windows overlooking the north, the northeast must be placed those plants that do not need a lot of light. These include begonia, hydrangea, aspidistra, clivia, tradescantia and some others.
As for the entire plant world, for indoor plants, summer is the most favorable period of their life. A lot of sun, long daylight hours, warmth – all these most important factors contribute to excellent growth and luxurious flowering.
In the summer, most indoor plants are recommended to be taken out and keep there, and enter the house only during cloudy, cold weather. In this case, it is necessary to take care of eliminating the enters on plants of direct sunlight, strong wind and excessive moisture. This will harm your pets.
On hot and sunny days, flowers should often be watered with water at room temperature (or slightly higher).
It is necessary to buy suitable soil for planting flowers and appropriate inventory. These are cups in which you will plant seedlings and containers (pots), where your plants will live. It will also require a watering can, a sprayer, a sharp knife, a thermometer, charcoal, drugs improve plant growth, insecticides and much more.
Beginning gardeners should know that the development and good flowering of all plants, first of all, depends on skillful watering and spraying. This must be done in a timely manner and right.
Dust on the leaves will impede the breathing of plants, they must be wiped and washed. This should be done on both sides of the sheet every week.
Plants must be regularly inspected for the timely detection of possible diseases, pests, removal of dry leaves, etc.D.
Timely measures taken will help plants to fully develop and bloom. Therefore, you should be vigilant.
If you bought an unfamiliar plant, then you need to find as much useful information on it as possible (in what basis it grows better, what the temperature and humidity should be, when it blooms and everything else).
If you grow several indoor plants, it is recommended to start a special diary and record all the information about each plant. This will allow you not to get confused, not to forget about important moments. As well as observe the development of your plants, draw conclusions, develop experience with which you can then share with your family, loved ones and acquaintances. And finally, it’s very interesting.
Each plant needs to choose the most suitable place in the house, unnecessarily not to rearrange them. Since many plants are capricious and do not tolerate changes.
Flowers feel great (or bad) leaving the hostess and react adequately. Real flowers of flowers always have many plants in the apartment, delivering true pleasure to everyone.
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