Suburban real estate, main criteria for acquisition

If you have at least some idea about a private house, then, undoubtedly, it will be much easier to decide on the choice. However, you can hear and take advantage of several tips, rationally evaluate your prospects for a suburban stay.

It is extremely important to correctly determine the functional purpose that will perform the house outside the city. If it is a weekend house, then it is good when the forest, silence, nature are nearby.

But if housing is acquired for the purpose of permanent residence, then the infrastructure of the district determines the main attention.

Here, in addition to stores, there should be feldsher-midwife points, schools, kindergarten at least one. If there is an opportunity to operate the vehicle itself, the degree of quality of the roadway is evaluated, otherwise it is quite good if the highway is within reach and it will be possible to get to a stop without difficulty.

Detailed approach to choosing

If the first opinion satisfies you, you can proceed to further inspection. The level of groundwater, this is the question that you should ask the owner, since during the spring flood, it may have to organize a system of drainage wastewater drainage.

Then follows the presence in the house of engineering communication systems and their connection to a centralized system, otherwise it is allowed to consider alternative sources of heat, light, gas. High quality characteristics of both roadways for cars and pedestrians are welcome.

Extremely wary of such a category of real estate as earthen allotments in the conditions of non -fan virgin lands. As a rule, it has one characteristic feature, it is acquired with the prospect of construction in the boundless future, when light, gas will be brought to the areas, until that moment it will remain only a piece of land.

Villages are completely ready for living, but do not rush. If there is such an opportunity, ask you to live another week with friends, relatives, and you will really touch upon real residence in a private house.

Such a general rehearsal will make it possible to adequately approach your health status, understand if you like a separate lifestyle or neighbors on a bench at the entrance, you will categorically be missing, whether you can cope with that volume of work and its functional content in the absence of qualified assistance from the outside.