How to cure herpes

Surely many of you know what herpes is. Unpleasant sores and blisters cause a lot of unpleasant moments and sensations. Herpes virus carriers are neither more nor less than 90% of the population around the world. Currently distinguish between several varieties of herpes, which often tend to transform into each other. You can get infected while in childhood, and until a certain point, do not suspect its existence, since herpes may not manifest itself for a long time.

Когда настает его час, на коже образуются воспаленные красные пятнышки, которые через некоторое время перерастают в пузыри с жидкостью.

If you start treatment in time, herpes virus quickly passes. But if you do not pay attention to such blisters, they will develop into painful sores. It usually takes a few hours. The herpes virus is awakened by a number of circumstances – due to the effects of UV radiation, reduced immunity, active smoking or a large dose of alcohol, critical female days, and a number of individual characteristics.

How to get rid of this trouble once and for all? I would like to make a reservation right away that it will not work forever forever. Until now, scientists have not been able to find a method that can completely save a person from herpes virus. However, the frequency of relapses is quite possible to reduce. Many people believe that blood transfusion and its saturation helps to get rid of this virus. Unfortunately, this is a misconception, since the herpes virus settles in nerve cells and the blood transfusion simply cannot be overcome.

To begin with, it is worth taking preventive measures, namely to reduce the use of coffee drinks, nicotine, alcohol, try to avoid the rays of the scorching sun, hypothermia and not load yourself too much work. When in contact with a sick person, follow the rules of hygiene. If you could not protect yourself, and you got into the insidious networks of herpes, act immediately. It is worth immediately starting treatment with any antiviral drug, of which there are a great many in modern pharmacies – Zovirax, Virulex, Acyclovir, Herpevir and others.

When applying the ointment, it is not advisable to touch the inflamed place with your hands, just take a cotton wool and anoint the beginning herpes. Never break the crusts, this will only slow down the process of recovery, and even can lead to the spread of the disease. Remember that the herpes virus is very angry. And even, it would seem, the most innocent kiss on the cheek can lead to infection. Washing, try not to injure a painful place.

There are times when there was no desired drug at hand or there is no pharmacy nearby. In such situations, folk remedies help. It is worth stopping here in more detail.

If the blisters have not yet appeared, they will help cauterization by aloe juice or simple iodine. The internal use of aloe juice will also bring benefits – 1 h.l. Before meals, morning and evening

The great-grandmothers used the ear sulfur, smearing the sick area-two or three rubbing daily and herpes will begin to pass.

When forming bubbles, table salt is very effective. However, this procedure is quite painful, so not everyone is suitable. Lemon juice perfectly heals painful sores.

Malina branches are considered an excellent antiviral agent. Rinse the twigs in hot water, chop to a porridge state and apply to the affected place.

It is advisable to apply a thick layer of toothpaste at night, and rinse with water in the morning.

Effective assistance is also provided by ash and streptocide chopped into powder.

A jumped cold can be wiped 4-5 times a day with a simple garlic.

Brew a bag of black tea, cool and attach to the place of herpes. Such compresses are enough to apply 2-3 times.

If none of the above recipes helped you, hurry to see a doctor, as this indicates a more serious disease that must be treated.