Recently, more and more people in all areas of life are striving to get away from chemistry and, as far as possible, return to all natural. Most of us strive to choose products that do not contain preservatives; We try to buy things made of natural fabrics and furnish our home with furniture from natural materials.
How to wash your head without shampoo
Funds for leaving themselves were no exception – more and more girls and women strive to acquire natural cosmetics and masks for hair and faces consisting of natural ingredients. But few of the fair sex thinks that you can also wash your hair without chemical shampoos – for this procedure it is quite possible to use improvised means and natural ingredients that will bring only benefits to the hair. Moreover, such natural shampoos, surprisingly, wash their hair no worse, and sometimes even better than funds purchased in the store. Anyone who wants to check it is on yourself, and this article will be addressed – in it we will give several recipes with which you can perfectly wash your hair without shampoo.
The first recipe is based on the use of starch – for this method you will not even need water. This method is also called dry washing – it is ideal in the case when you need to look good in the near future, and there is no time to wash your hair with shampoo. Take the usual potato starch that is probably in every house, apply it to your hair, wait 5 minutes, and then wipe your hair with a towel and comb. Moreover, do not forget that this is dry washing, so the towel must also be dry.
How to wash your head without shampoo
In order to use the recipe replacing the shampoo, at number two, you will need rye bread, and, more precisely, its crusts. Put rye crusts in a pan, pour them with boiling water, cover with a lid and wait a while. Когда корки раскиснут и станут мягкими, разомните их руками так, чтобы они превратились в кашеобразное состояние. Pour this gruel with your hands in your hair and rinse with water after 5 minutes. After that, if desired, you can rinse them with water with a vinegar diluted in it or lemon juice.
Recently, many of us suffer from dandruff. Of course, you can get rid of it with the help of modern means that our industry offers. But you can go to other, no less effective and useful hair and scalp, and try the recipe for our grandmothers, who solved the problem of dandruff with the help of ordinary beets. To do this, you will need to take washed, cleaned and chopped beets and put it in a jar or pan. Next, let the beets brew for a while and wash your head with your infusion. Before washing the hair, if the infusion has cooled, you can add a small amount of hot water to it.
Surely many of us have heard that you can use eggs to wash your hair. And indeed it is. In this regard, let’s try to cook egg shampoo. Take two eggs, break them and stir with a fork. Further, if your hair is oily, add camparal oil there, and, if dry, then drop literally a few drops of sunflower oil. Add a little hot water and wash your hair with an egg shampoo resulting.
If you are concerned about hair loss, then instead of store shampoo, experts recommend using a decoction of medicinal herbs-nettles and coltsfoot. To eliminate the problem and make the hair more powerful, you will have to wash your hair with this decoction quite often – 3 times a week. To prepare a decoction of coltsfoot and nettles, it is necessary to take in equal parts.
How to wash your head without shampoo
You can also use honey for hair washing. Prepare the so -called honey shampoo, which includes the infusion of chamomile pharmacy and honey. Add a dessert spoon of honey to a freshly prepared infusion and moisten your hair with this infusion. Leave it on your hair for about 30-40 minutes, and then thoroughly rinse it with warm water without shampoo or soap. It is often not worth carrying out such a procedure – so that the hair grows better and be soft, it is enough to wash them with honey infusion once every two weeks.
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